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1 Read and translate the text given below:

Volgodonsk is considered to be the youngest town in the south of Russia. It is situated in the eastern part of the Rostov region, on the left bank of the Tzimlyanskoe Reservoir. Volgodonsk is sometimes called a five-sea port because it is connected by water with five seas – the White and the Baltic in the north, the Caspian in the east and the Azov and the Black sea in the south.

The name “Volgodonsk” is derived from the Volga-Don Canal, the canal which connects two great Russian rivers – the Volga and the Don. The building of the canal was started in 1949, more and more specialists were coming to the village Tzimlyansk for the construction and the exploitation of the Tzimlyansk hydro power station. For those people who needed housing it was built a small village that later grew into a town named Volgodonsk. 27 June, 1950 is considered to be the date of its foundation.

Historians distinguish three main periods in the construction of Volgodonsk. The first period is its foundation, the second one is the appearance of the chemical factory, and the third one is connected with the great construction of the century - Volgodonsk heavy engineering plant or Atommash. One more memorable event was on 28 October, 1977, when there was laid the first foundation block of the Rostov (Volgodonsk) Nuclear Power Plant. But after the Chernobyl tragedy there were a lot of arguments about the plant and as a result its construction was stopped. The volume of production at Atommash decreased more than twice. Consequently, the young town had to overcome very hard times.

The new stage of development of Volgodonsk began April 6, 1998, when the town authorities decided to resume the construction of the plant. In 2000 crisis was gradually declining. Now in spite of its “young age”, Volgodonsk is considered to be one of the leaders of the Rostov region economy. It is the only town in the Russian Federation where there is a nuclear power station, hydro power station and two thermoelectric plants.

Volgodonsk is not only an industrial town, but also a big cultural centre. There are art schools, museums, recreational areas, parks and cinemas here. In summer people from all over Russia come to Volgodonsk to swim in the Don and its numerous tributaries and to have rest in small sanatoriums. Volgodonsk culture is also inseparably connected with the Don Cossacks, their habits and traditions.

Now the town is gradually growing, consequently more and more problems are appearing. More vehicles have led to traffic jams and air pollution, uncontrolled use of water – to the reservoir and bay drainage. But despite all the problems, that I hope will be solved one day, Volgodonsk remains one of the nicest and greenest towns in the south of Russia.

2 Give Russian equivalents:

On the left bank, Tzimlyanskoe Reservoir, a five-sea port,hydro power station, heavy engineering plant, Chernobyl tragedy, to overcome very hard times, recreational areas, uncontrolled use of water.

3 Translate into English:

Порт пяти морей, эксплуатация ГЭС, дата основания, химический завод, стройка века, объем продукции, снизиться в два раза, новая ступень развития, Донские казаки, неконтролируемое использование воды, осушение водохранилища.

4 Fill in the gaps:

1) Volgodonsk is situated in the …. part of the … region.

2) Volgodonsk is sometimes called a … because it is connected by water with …

3) The name “Volgodonsk” is derived from the ….

4) 27 June, 1950 is considered to be ….

5) Historians distinguish … main periods in the construction of the town.

6) On 28 October, 1977, there was laid the first … of the Rostov (Volgodonsk) ….

7) The volume of production at … decreased more than ….

8) It is the only town in … where there is a nuclear power station, … and two ….

9) Volgodonsk culture is also … connected with …, their habits and traditions.

10) More … have led to … and air pollution, uncontrolled use of water – to the reservoir and ….

5 Answer the questions:

1) Why is Volgodonsk called a five-sea port?

2) Where is it situated?

3) What is the origin of the name “Volgodonsk”?

4) How many periods in the history of the town do historians distinguish? What are they?

5) Which are the main industries of the town?

6) Volgodonsk is a cultural centre, isn’t it?

7) What are the problems of the town?

8) What ways of solving the problem can you think of?

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 717 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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