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1 Read and translate the text given below:

My name is Kuznetzov Sergey, I am eighteen years old. I was born in Volgodonsk, a town in the Rostov region. The town is rather small, but very clean and nice, so I like it very much. My father is a pharmacist; he works in a big drug store. My mother used to be an English teacher at school, but now she doesn’t work. She is a housewife – there is much work about the house.

My grandmother lives with us. She wants to live in the country, but her health leaves much to be desired, so she usually sits in the armchair knitting socks or scarves. She also helps my Mom to take care of my small sister Dasha. Dasha is a toddler, she spends all her time playing. She is a real beauty, they say she has my eyes! But sometimes she can be very noisy and naughty.

In June I finished school №11 with honours, that is why I easily entered the university. Now I am a first-year student in Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute (VETI NNRU (MEPhI). In four years I will become an engineer. My teachers say that I’m goal-oriented and practical that is why I can make a good specialist. I will try to do my best to make my parents be proud of me!

Besides the university I go in for sport – I really adore swimming. I have been going to the swimming pool for many years and I’m really good at it. My girlfriend says that I’m so tall and well-built because of sport. Some people consider me handsome and I think that I took after my Mom. She is very pretty - slim, with dark thick hair and sparkling eyes. She is optimistic and extremely emotional unlike our father who is very calm and reserved.

Our family is united and friendly and though we have quarrels sometimes we love each other very much.

2 Give Russian equivalents:

To be born; pharmacist; used to be; housewife; to leave much to be desired; to take care of; they say; naughty; with honours; a first-year student; National Nuclear Research University, goal-oriented; to be proud of; to be good at smth; to take after smb.

3 Translate into English:

Аптека; много работы по дому; в деревне; оставляет желать лучшего; малыш; настоящая красавица; с медалью; приложить все усилия; заниматься спортом; густые волосы; сдержанный.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 496 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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