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Higher education in the UK and the USA

1 Read and translate the text given below:

At the age of 16 British pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education at the ordinary level (GCSE-O). Then some pupils can leave school, and the others can continue their education for another 2 or 3 years to obtain the GCSE at the advanced level (GCSE-A) which allows them to enter the University.

There are about one hundred universities in the UK. The oldest and best-known ones are located in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Aberdeen, etc. They differ greatly from each other in date of foundation, size, history, tradition, general organization, methods of instruction, and way of student life.

Good A-level results in at least two subjects are necessary to get a place at the university. However, good results alone are not enough, universities choose their students after interviews. For all British citizens a place at a university brings with it a grant from their local education authority.

The academic year in Britain’s universities is divided into three terms which usually run from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March, and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July. Studying for their first degree undergraduate students take three years for an honours degree. Some degree courses, particularly in Scotland, take four years or even longer. The examples of the first degrees are: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Education (BEd), Engineering (BEng), Law (LLB), Science (BSc). Students with good degrees can go on to a postgraduate degree to take Master’s Degree, that will lead to the chance to do some original research, perhaps at Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

The two intellectual eyes of Britain – Oxford and Cambridge (Oxbridge) – date from the 12th and 13th centuries. Both universities are independent, and only the education elite go Oxbridge.

In the USA higher education has some differences. There are 156 universities in America. Any of these universities can be either public or private. The public institutions are financed by state. Most of the students, about 80 per cent, study at public institutions of higher education, because tuition fees here are much lower. Some of the best-known private universities are Harvard, Yale and Princeton.

It is not easy to enter a leading university in the United States. Successful applicants at colleges of higher education are usually chosen on the basis of their high-school records which include their class rank, the list of all the courses taken and all the grades received in high school, test results, recommendation from their teachers, the impression they make during the interviews, which is a serious examination.

The academic year is usually nine months, divided into two terms. Studies usually begin in September and end in July. Each college or university has its own curriculum. During one term a student must study 4 or 5 different courses. There are courses that every student has to take in order to receive a degree. These courses or subjects are called major subjects or "majors".

At the same time there are subjects which the student may choose himself for his future life. These courses are called 'electives". A student has to earn a certain number of "credits" (about 120) in order to receive a degree at the end of four years of college. Credits are earned by attending lectures or laboratory classes and completing assignments and examinations.

After 4 years of study undergraduates may take graduate program for another 2 years in order to get a Master's degree. Further studies may result in a Doctor's degree.

2 Give Russian equivalents:

General Certificate of Secondary Education, to enter the University, best-known, methods of instruction, interviews, grant, academic year, education authority, intellectual eyes, education elite, financed by state, tuition fees, leading university, class rank.

3 Translate into English:

Продолжить обучение, продвинутый уровень, метод обучения, стипендия, семестр, собеседование, местное управление образованием, образовательная элита, частные университеты, рекомендации преподавателей, кредиты, элективный курс.

4 Answer the questions:

1) When do British children pass the GCSE-A?

2) What are the best-known British universities?

3) In what way do the universities differ?

4) What do the British need to enter the university?

5) The academic year is divided into 3 terms, isn’t it?

6) Who are undergraduates and postgraduates?

7) How are the public universities in America financed?

8) How is the academic year divided in the USA?

9) What are majors?

10) What do American students need to receive a degree at the end of four years of college?

5 Correct the sentences:

1) The GCSE-A is taken before the GCSE-O.

2) British students need good GCSE results in only one subject to enter a university.

3) After first three years of study British students get a Master’s degree.

4) It is easier to enter a private university in the USA.

5) American students need only to pass a special interview to enter a university.

6) The academic year in America is divided into 3 terms.

7) Electives are essential subjects to receive a degree.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 645 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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