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Circle the correct form. If both forms are possible, circle them both

1. He can / is able to cook really well because he used to work in a restaurant.

2. To work for this airline company you must can / must be able to speak English fluently.

3. I’m really sorry I couldn’t / wasn’t able to come to your party last Saturday.

4. If it doesn’t rain, we can / we’ll be able to go to the mountains tomorrow.

5. I’ve been so busy I haven’t could / haven’t been able to call him yet.

6. I used to can / used to be able to speak a bit of Russian but I’ve forgotten it now.

7. If we had a bit more money, we could / would be able to buy a better car.

8. I hate not can / not being able to tell my boss what I really think of him!

9. He could / was able to talk when he was only eighteen month old.

10. Can you / Will you be able to help me tomorrow?

11. I’ve never could / never been able to dance very well.

12 To live in the country you need to can / be able to drive.

14. Correct any mistakes in the phrases. Tick (√) the correct sentences.

1. My mother is a nurse and she often should work on weekends. _______________

2. You should to have a rest. You look exhausted. ___________________________

3. In the future everyone will must speak English and Chinese. _________________

4. Do you have to wear a suit and tie at work? ______________________________

5. I must stay in bed yesterday as I didn’t feel well. __________________________

6. You don’t have to park here. It’s “no parking”. ____________________________

7. I didn’t have to get a taxi. Lina took me to the airport. ______________________

8. People mustn’t answer their mobiles when they are talking to someone. ________

What do you remember?

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 3284 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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