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Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d. 1. In India the right hand ______ for eating

1. In India the right hand ______ for eating.

a) used b) uses c) is used d) is being used

2. Needless to say, hands ______ before and after eating.

a) must wash b) must be washing c) wash d) must be washed

3. I haven't got a large appetite and when I ______ my fa­vourite food, I leave half of it on the plate.

a) was given b) gave c) have given d) am given

4. Japan ______ up of a chain of more than one thousand


a) make b) is made c) is making d) makes

5. A lot of jazz festivals ______ every year in America.

a) are held b) hold c) are holding d) held

6. Scotland ______ from London but in many ways it is a separate nation.

a) governed b) was governed c) is governing d) is governed

7. The famous actress ______ now for the "HELLO" maga­zine.

a) is interview b) interview c) is being interviewed d) was interviewed

8. Students ______ next Friday.

a) will be examined b) will examine c) are examined d) have been examined

9. He ______ to tidy the garage.

a) was helped b) were helped c) are helped d) have helped

10. The Loch Ness monster ______ to exist.

a) is told b) tells c) is said d) says

11. America's first college, Harvard, ______ in Massachusetts in the 17th century.

a) is being founded b) had been founded c) was founded d) has been founded

12. The story of the first Thanksgiving feast ______ among the Americans.

a) is well-known b) have been well-known c) would have been well-known d) was well-known

13. At the police station he ______ a lot of questions.

a) asked b) had been asked c) had been asking d) was asked

14. The rent for the house ______ regularly.

a) was paid b) was paying c) paid d) pays

15. The Russian hockey team ______ to win next Olympic Games.

a) was supposed b) is supposed c) will suppose d) supposes

16. Luke does not like ______ on trifles.

a) examines b) to be examined c) being examined d) examined

17. They ______ to get married very soon.

a) are expected b) is expected c) expects d) will expect

18. This question ______ at the meeting now.

a) has been discussed b) is discussing c) was discussed d) is being discussed

19. The wonderful film ______ on videotape, and it______ by the whole family.

a) was recorded, was watched b) is recorded, was watched c) recorded, is watched d) was recorded, is watched

20. The work ______ yet.

a) hasn't been finished b) wasn't finished c) hasn't finished d) didn't finish

Read the facts. Say which one is the most surprising.

Text-messaging was invented by the Finnish company Nokia. They wanted to help Finnish teenagers, who were very shy. They found it easier to text their friends than to phone them.

The first bikini was designed by two Frenchmen. It was named after Bikini Atoll, the island where the atomic bomb was first tested. The Frenchmen thought that the bikini would have the similar effect on men as a bomb exploding.

Light bulbs are designed specially to last only a certain number of hours. It would be possible to make light bulbs that lasted forever, but then the manufacturers wouldn’t make so much money.

The first Harry Potter book was written in a cafe in Edinburgh. JK Rowling was unemployed and she didn’t have enough money to pay for heating, so she wrote it in the cafe where it was warmer.

Although penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming, he didn’t know how to make it into medicine. It was first made into a medicine ten years later, by an Australian scientist Howard Florey.

Spiders were used as a cure for toothache in the 17th century. They were first made into a paste, and then put on the bad tooth.

Sherlock Holmes, the greatest detective was created by writer Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes was based on a real person – Doyle’s teacher at medical school, who was famous for saying to his students, “What can you tell me by just observing the patient?”

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1569 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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