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Miss Pristly has come to Overton from London. Mrs Kelly is an old lady who lives in Overton.

Miss P.: “What a lovely old village Overton is!”

Mrs. K.: “Yes, isn’t it? The most beautiful village in this part of England, I think.”

Miss P.: “I’m sure you enjoy living here. Have you lived here long?”

Mrs. K: “I’ve lived here all my life. By next month I’ll have been living here for 80 years. I was born in Overton.”

Miss P.: “Have you ever been to other countries?”

Mrs. K.: “No, I’ve never been out of England. I’ve been to London twice.”

Miss P.: “Did you enjoy seeing London?”

Mrs. K.: “Not much. There are too many people in London. And too many buses, too much noise.”

Miss P.: And has your husband always lived here, too?”

Mrs. К: “No, he wasn’t born in Overton. He’s lived here only since the year we were married. That was 1970. We were married on August the fourth. I always remember the date. By next August we’ll have been living together for 40 years. So, my husband’s lived in Overton since 1970."

Miss P.: “Well, you’ve been married for a long time, haven’t you?

Your children have all left home, now, I suppose.”

Mrs. K.: “Yes, there are six of them. They were all born here. They were all christened in the church here and all went to school here. But now they’ve left the village and gone to live in the town.”

Miss P.: “You mean Coventry? How far is Coventry?”

Mrs. K.: “Not far. About fifteen miles. My four sons are working in the big motor works there. My two girls are married to men who work there.”

Miss P.: “Do you go and see them sometimes?”

Mrs. K.: “No, but they often come to see me. The boys have cars and motor-cycles and it doesn’t take them long to come over.”

1. Who has come to Overton from London?

2. Who has lived in Overton long?

3. How long has Mrs. Kevin lived in Overton?

4. Has Mrs. Kevin been to other countries?

5. Does she like London? Why?

6. Has her husband always lived in Overton?

7. Have they been married a long time?

8. Do their children live in Overton?

9. Where do Mrs. Kevin’s sons work?

10. Does Mrs. Kevin often go to see her sons?

Modal verbs

Модальные глаголы – это глаголы со значением возможности или должествования. Основные глаголы этой группы: can (could), may (might), must, should.

Особенности модальных глаголов:

- не употребляются с частицей “to”(инфинитив после модального глагола также не требует частицы “to”): We must go home.

- не имеют окончания -s в 3 лице единственном числе: He may come today.

- не имеют многих грамматических форм: Continuous, Perfect, Passive и других.

- не имеют формы будущего времени, не имеют причастий.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 713 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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