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Meals in Britain

The names of meals in Great Britain are: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Breakfast in the morning may be corn flakes, taken with milk and sugar, bacon or ham with or without eggs, or some kind of fish. Toast of bread and butter with marmalade and a cup of tea or

Some people just have toast, butter and cheese with tea or coffee for breakfast. English people usually drink tea with milk and this tea is called “English tea.”

In the middle of the day people have different meals. It depends on their jobs and wages. It also depends on what part of the country they live in. People in the north have different tastes from those in the South. Their main cooked meal, whether it’s at midday or in the evening is called dinner. Those who have their dinner in the middle of the day have supper in the evening. Those who have dinner in the evening, have lunch in the middle of the day.

For dinner there’s always a main dish, consisting usually of meat or fish with potatoes and cooked vegetables.

Lunch or supper is a lighter meal. Many families living in the north eat something like bread and butter with perhaps fried eggs or fried fish and tea in the evening.

Another purely British institution is High tea. It is rather a heavy meal with tea, instead of late dinner. In the past it was more the custom to have something cold for high tea and something hot for supper. Nowadays foods for high tea and supper are interchangeable.

Fish and chips, very popular with the English and the visitors to the British Isles, are pieces of fish (cold, plaice) boiled in oil taken with small pieces of fried potatoes. Both the fish and the potatoes should be crisp on the outside and soft inside.

And finally, there is British marmalade, which is an important part of the English breakfast. It is made from oranges or any other citrus fruits. Grape fruits and lemons make a sweeter marmalade for tea-time.

a) Pudding is one of the traditional English food.

b) Christmas pudding is made from fruit only.

c) Custard is eaten with meat.

d) High tea is rather a heavy meal with tea.

e) Fish and chips are raw pieces of fish and potatoes.

f) British marmalade is made from oranges or other citrus fruit.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 1609 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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