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IV. Here are some specialists with brief descriptions of their specialties. Check the one correct title that fits the description in each case

He treats children’s diseases

he is an orthopedist

he is a pediatrician

he is a pathologist

He corrects deformities of the body

he is a gynecologist

he is an orthopedist

he is a pathologist

He straightens crooked teeth

he is an orthodontist

he is an orthopedist

he is a pathologist

He is a medical doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye

he is an oculist

he is an optician

he is an orthopedist

He makes your eyeglasses

he is an oculist

he is an orthopedist

he is an optician

He specializes in disorders of the mind

he is an intern

he is a psychiatrist

he is a physiotherapist

He treats diseases by electricity

he is a pathologist

he is a physiotherapist

he is a psychologist

His specialty is taking and interpreting X rays

he is a gynecologist

he is a neurologist

he is a radiologist

9. He specializes in diseases of the nervous system

he is a cardiologist

he is a dermatologist

he is a neurologist

He treats diseases of old ages

he is a cardiologist

he is a geriatrician

he is a pediatrician

He specializes in skin diseases

he is a dermatologist

he is a geriatrician

he is a pathologist

He treats women’s diseases

he is a dermatologist

he is a geriatrician

he is a gynecologist

He brings children into the world

he is a gynecologist

he is an obstetrician

he is a pediatrician

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 734 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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