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Answer the questions

Where was the doctor all the time?

Why was it convenient for the doctor to have a computer?

From whom did Harry get instructions?

Why didn’t Harry want to speak to the doctor when he called Harry?

Why is the story called: “Please cough into the mike”?

Why was Harry sure that the bill had been made out by the computer?


If the Englishman says that he is ill, he means that he has an illness, or is unwell. If he says that he is sick, he means that he feels so terrible that he can vomit.

If a person is absent from work because of illness, he is said to be on sickleave.

The damp English climate can lead to catching a cold or a sore throat.

People consult doctors if they have a cough, a temperature, a headache or insomnia. The doctor usually examines the patient and prescribes some treatment, pills, tablets or some other medicine which can buy at the chemist’s.

In emergencies people in Great Britain call police, fire or ambulance on 999. Which number do you call in your town if you are in trouble or need specialized information?



We say all this things to balance our emotions and gain strength. But it is not easy as it seems. So, what is the answer? We cannot go and a desert island. There are lots of things we can do of course. We can take more exercise. We can eat less, smoke less, we can have a well-organized rest.

But perhaps the most important things we can do is to learn to relax stress grows very slowly. It is made up all the little things that make us tense, day after day, year after year. Every time we relax, every time we put our feet up, every time we have a cup of tea and a chat with an old friend we take away some of the tension that causes stress.

Americans worry about relaxing. They take classes to learn how to relax. They read books that tell them how to “take it easy”. Relaxing is a multi-dollar industry in the USA. So, why not master this skill and do it on your own (without paying much money)? But before you start think of what doctor say nowadays, “Too much relaxation is bad for you too.”

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 1042 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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