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Rearrange the jumbled sentences to form a coherent TEXT

- I tried to avoid getting into conversation with him, but it was impossible.

- I hurried out of the compartment.

- “Nice girl”, he was saying. “But you know, she talked so much that I could hardly get a word in edgeways.”

- One of the men offered to put my case on the rack for me.

- Finally the train got to London.

- I found a seat in a crowded compartment.

- One day I was going to London by train.

- I politely told him I could do it myself.

- Several hours went by.

- He talked and talked.

- I could still hear the man’s voice

- I hardly said anything.


Airport is a place where airplanes and other aircraft land and take off. Airplanes have become the chief means of long-distance travel, and so airports are very important transportation terminals.

Big city airports are busy, exiting places. Overhead, planes circle the field, waiting their turn to land. On the ground, one plane after another takes off. Automobiles, buses, and taxis pull to the passenger terminal to pick up or drop off travellers. Thousands of people jam the terminal area. Most of them are travellers. Some are air and airline employees. Others go to airports to greet athletes, politicians, and other celebrities and to meet friends and relatives arriving for a visit.

The largest airports resemble small cities. They may have shops, hotels, restaurants, and movie theatres, as well as their own police force, fir department, medical facilities are needed to handle the day-to-day traffic at an airport. These services become especially important when flight delays occur or emergencies arise.

Airports differ from other transportation terminals, such as bus or train stations, in two important ways: (1) they require more land, and (2) they are usually located away from the centres of the cities they serve. Because airports require so much land, most of them are built on the edge of town. As a result, many airports have poor connections with public transportation. Most bus and trains stations, on the other hand, are in town, convenient to public transportation.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 519 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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