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Choose the correct answer

1. The plane circled over the airport until the ________was clear.

a) highway b) landing c) runway d) terminal

2. All flights in and out of the airport came to a _________because of the strike.

a) closure b) conclusion c) standstill d) stoppage

3. If you carry too much luggage, the airline will charge an _________baggage fee.

a) additional b) excess c) extra d) over

4. British Airways __________the departure of Flight 222 to Warsaw.

a) advertise b) advise c) announce d) notice

5. When you get to the airport, your luggage will have to be __________

a) balanced b) estimated c) sealed d) weighed

6. Because of the fog, our flight was _________from Heathrow to York Airport.

a) deflected b) diverted c) replaced d) reverted

7. The check __________time at the airport was eight o'clock.

a) by b) in c) out d) up

8. The _______from the airport was very tiring as we had to drive through the fog.

a) crossing b) flight c) ride d) voyage

9. It's very strange but I had a(n) ________that the plane would crash.

a) intuition b) omen c) prediction d) premonition

10. The plane was __________towards the runway when the fire started.

A) heading B) landing C) sailing D) soaring

11. Nobody __________that aeroplane crash.

A) died B) lived C) recovered D) survived

12. If you want a cheap air ticket you must ________well in advance.

A) book B) buy C) engage D) reserve

13. The _______from Kyiv to New York takes eight hours.

A) flying B) journey C) passage D) voyage

14. Our _________was delayed owing to bad weather conditions.

A) airline B) airway C) flight D) runway


1.c 2.c 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.b 7.b 8.c 9.d 10.a 11.d 12.a 13.b 14.c

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 3658 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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