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Travelling by train

38. Excuse me, is this a ticket office?

39. No, it is not. The ticket office is round the corner.

40. Thank you. I want two round trip tickets to Baltimore.

41. What class?

42. First-class ticket, please, upper berth.

43. Here you are.

44. Do I have to change?

45. It is a through train.

46. Thank you. Is this platform № 6?

47. No, it isn’t. Platform № 6 is the next one. …..

Here is your carriage. There are no free corner seats. I am very sorry about it.

48. Excuse me, what time are we due to arrive in Baltimore?

49. We’ll get to Baltimore at 11:30.

50. Thank you.


1. to depart a. a place to live  
2. journey b. a long-distance bus  
3.exit c. a trip of some distance  
1. tip d. a long journey by boat or ship  
5. trip e. excursion, journey to visit a place  
6. to travel f. a small sum of money given as thanks for a service performed  
7. voyage g. to go away; leave  
8. single ticket h. way out  
9. return ticket i. an office for the sale of tickets  
10. to take off j. to go from place to place, make a journey  
11. to leave for k. to telephone  
12. accommodation l. to depart by air  
13. booking-office m. a ticket for a journey to a place  
14. to call n. to go away to  
15. coach o. a ticket giving a traveller the right to travel somewhere and back again  

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 625 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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