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Close the Interview Properly

As the interview comes to an end, remember these few things:

Don't let the interview last too long. Most interviews last 30-60 minutes. Unless the interviews asks otherwise, plan on staying no longer than an hour. Watch for hints from interviewers, such as looking at a watch or rustling papers, that indicate that they are ready to end the interview.

Summarize the key points of the interview. Use your judgment here and keep it short! Review the major issues that came up in the interview with the employer. You can skip this step if time is short.

If a problem came up, repeat your resolution of it. Whatever you think that particular interview may see as a reason not to hire you, bring it up again and present your reasons why you don't see it as a problem. If you are not sure what the interviewer is thinking, be direct and ask, "Is thee anything about me that concerns you or might keep you from hiring me?" Whatever comes up, do as well as you can in responding to it.

Review your strengths for this job. Take this opportunity to present the skills you possess that relate to this particular job one more time. Emphasize your key strengths only and keep your statements brief.

If you want the job, ask for it. If you want the job, say so and explain why. Employers are more willing to hire someone they know is excited about the job, so let them now if you are. Ask when you can start. This question may not always be appropriate, but if it is, do it.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 206 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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