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The underlying dynamics of recommendations

Each of the four underlying dynamics plays a role in determining the ultimate value of a recommendation, but only one requires much writing.

Dynamic Comment How communicated
Writer's credibility What is writer's expertise? How important is writer? How relevant is writer's background to his or her recommendation? On letterhead and/or signature title
Writer's relationship to individual Is writer individual's supervisor, professor, co-worker? How long has writer been in a position to judge individual's talent and performance? In second sentence in opening paragraph of letter (see letter format section below)
Writer's overall opinion of individual Is the writer strongly positive about individual, lukewarm, or something else? Made clear in first sentence of opening paragraph and reiterated in closing (see section below on communicating your overall opinion of the individual)
How individual rates on personal dimensions Business examples Ambitious? Responsible? Problem solver? Extroverted? Cooperative? Can stand the heat? Good character? Academic examples Love of field? Ambitious? Serious about studies? Can stand the rigor? Leadership potential? Well rounded? Good character? Addressed in the body of the letter. Covering these or other similar dimensions makes up the bulk of the letter (see letter format section below).  

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 204 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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