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Academic recommendations

Letters of recommendation are required for acceptance to the vast majority of both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Often applicants must provide three or more letters.

While requirements differ by institution, program and concentration, generally speaking successful academic recommendations should:

· provide testimony to your aptitude, curiosity and industriousness;

· demonstrate your maturity and seriousness of purpose;

· speak to your leadership ability;

· paint you as "well rounded";

· compliment your character;

· include other pertinent information about you – things not readily apparent from admission test scores or transcripts.

Character references

Character reference letters are a special category of recommendation because they are usually written by friends, neighbors or relatives. These letters meet a variety of non-employment and non-academic related needs. Everything from gaining memberships and winning awards to child custody and adoptions. Character reference letters can also be useful in job seeking.

Requesting a letter of recommendation

You not only need the letter, you need it to be as effective as possible. So it's important to plan your request.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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