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Sending your application

Check your CV and covering letter carefully before you send them.

Use the spell-checker on the computer (set the language to British English rather than American English).

Ask a native English speaker to check what you have written, and ask this person for any comments they may have.

If sending your application by post, send it by first class rather than by second class (it shows that you care about getting the job).

If you send an application by e-mail, telephone to make sure that it has arrived, or send an application in the post as well.

Alternatively, you may wish to hand in your application personally; if so, use this opportunity to find out more about the company and ask when you can expect to hear from them.

If you have not heard from the company two weeks after you sent your application (or before the closing date for applications, if there is one), telephone the company to check that your job application has been received and that there haven't been any problems contacting you.

It is often the case that people are invited for an interview for only a small number of the jobs to which they apply. Try not to feel depressed if it takes a long time to get a job. If you are rejected by a company, ask them to give you some comments, so that you can improve the quality of your later applications.

The comprehensive information about Covering Letter is here http://www.eduers.com/resume/Job_Application_Letter.htm.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 202 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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