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A historical analysis

A. Y. Chernov

Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk

The problem of the Trans-Siberian Mainline project of cooperation between Russia and South Korea to develop the resource base of the Far East and Siberia is one of the most pressing issues facing today’s transportation infrastructure. In particular, it is about the formation of a multi-modal transportation hub. The solution of the problem has its history.

In the 1990s trade expanded rather rapidly partly driven by innovations in the IT sector. This process of international integration in commodity, capital and labour markets is known as globalisation. The prominent role played by the industrial economies in world trade exports up to the 1990s was closely linked to their large share in exports of manufactured goods. The long-term shifts in the composition of world trade show a strong rise in the share of manufactured goods. As the result, the idea of the Iron Silk Road project appeared. Goods from South Korea to Europe expected to be transported by rail through the longest Asian corridor of over 10,000 km faster and cheaper than by sea.

Since the trade volume reached its record level of 23 billion USD last year there is an attempt to build a modern railway connecting the Pacific Ocean and Europe. According to estimations of some South Korean forwarders the early stage of the project will be profitable for both parties if they arrange the process properly. The Russian party has invested the preparatory stages, and experts from Siberian Transport University in jointly with scientists of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering are currently engaged in experimental calculations to identify the comparative effectiveness of competing versions of the project.

In conclusion it should be mentioned that the current political situation in Korea is unstable. However, taking into consideration geographical, political and economic factors it makes sense to think about other possible routes. IT can optimise this process by creating simulation programmes to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives.

IV. Grammar to notice:

- Passive Voice;

- Linking words in complex sentences;

- Questions of different types.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 374 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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