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C) Choose one of the conference from the list below and write the answers to the questions given in exercise I-b)

1. The 3rd International Students’ Conference on Science and Technology.

2. The 11th International Symposium on Applied Engineering and Informatics.

3. The Asian Economics and Management Conference.

II. a) Read the passage and explain the meanings of the underlined words.

Your abstract should be no more than one A5 page (14.8 X 21 cm.)

In order to assist with the review/editing of your abstract please carefully observe the following formatting and style conventions:


• Author information should be Times New Roman Italics 12 point single spaced right alignment (1). It should consist of two lines single spaced (2): your name; your department/faculty and your institution/university.

• Titles should be set one line below the title (3) and in Times New Roman Bold 12 point (4).

• The body of the abstract should be set one line below the title.

Font (5) should be Times New Roman 12 point.

Line spacing (6) should be 1.0.

• Text should be set justified (7), block paragraph/s (no indent) (8).

Margins should be set at 2.0 cm on top, bottom, right and left (9).


• Place all titles of separately published works (10) (print, film, televisual and so on) in italics.

• Use double quotes (11) throughout except for quotes inside quotes (12).

• Avoid abbreviations such as “e.g.,” “i.e.,” “etc.” – that is, spell out the words (13).

• Use the em-dash (14) for dashes. The em-dash looks like this–that is, a solid double hyphen between words with no space before or after.

Do not include footnotes (15) in your abstract. Instead weave any references (16) to authors/titles into the text of the abstract.

b) Study the example of an abstract for communication. Does the text confirm to the “house style” of the conference given in exercise II-a)? Support your answer.

Kravchenko А.D., Deshevykh А.А.

(Traffic Management Faculty, Siberian Transport University)

“Green” future of the transportation sector

Nowadays, the transportation sector is supposed to become closely related to solutions of environmental problems. Many countries worldwide face the rather conflicting needs of transport policies. Transport infrastructure improves access to job, education, leisure and other markets and obviously plays a key role in the global economy. Other concern is reducing the negative environmental impact by changing current transport policies. The most of transport modes have some economic and environmental disadvantages such as an unalterable route, air and soil pollution, noise emission and others. So, the challenge is to create flexible, environmentally friendly and cost efficient transport alternatives to prevent the negative effects of the transportation system on human health.

This problem can be solved by implementation of high technologies. European designers and engineers are now studying new public transportation concepts to offer more competitive – high-speed and an individual-oriented – vehicles as compared with present ones. Speaking about the Russian Federation, this country is just going to break ground upon implementation of new high technologies for the transportation sector. It should be noticed that new environmentally friendly vehicles are manufactured only in small quantities.

The above-named reasons prove that the best solution of the so-called “green” problem is the mass production of eco-friendly transport units: electric and hybrid vehicles, high-speed commuter trains etc. Mass eco-vehicles use could further reduce both the cost of transportation and negative environmental impact in the transportation sector.

Supervisor: Ivanova L.M., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department,

Cand. Sc. (Education)


a) Find synonyms to the word combinations in the box:

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 458 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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