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conference “house style”

I. a) Which of the following steps about conference participation are true or false?

1. Study the Conference details on-line
2. Fill in a registration form
3. Call the Organising Committee to know how they are doing
4. Study the Conference Programme
5. Find information about who can participate in the Conference
6. Pay registration fee
7. Pack your bags
8. Submit your abstract for communication

B) Study the questions in A and match them with their description in B.

Seven basic questions you must answer to participate in a conference

1. Why? a. the length of the report is determined by many factors, but generally try to make your speach reasonably short
2. To whom? b. what the audience knows about the subject, their status, age, culture, specific interests – the information you present should tailor their needs
3. What? c. the place where the report will be delivered (a large conference hall, a small meeting room, with the help of a microphone or without it, etc.)
4. Where? d. the subject matter of the report
5. When? e. the format, or form of the report including the use of demonstration materials and handouts
6. How long? f. the aims of your report (evident and hidden)
7. How? g. the time (the first report, the last one, after of before the break, in the evening, etc.)

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 417 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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