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Merchant seaport Theodosiya

The port is situated in the western part of Theodosiya Gulf of the Black Sea. The port is open to ships all year round. The gulf’s depths are up to 24 m. The gulf area,
1.2 miles north - east of the port, constitutes the port‘s outer roadstead. The outer road­stead’s depths are 17 – 20 m, its ground is oozy and holds anchors well. Port waters comprise an area bounded by. Shirokiy mole and the part of Desantnikov embankment from the shore side; and by the parallel lines 45 02 ' 05 "N, and meridian lines 35 23' 65"E,35 23' 13" E at their crossing point from the seaside. The port wa­ters also include the water area near the roadstead point of oil products transfer terminal No. 1 and the water area near the local passenger lines berth in 2 cables radius from the berthline and roadstead mooring buoys.

The waters of Shirokiy mole and Desantnikov embankment are not sheltered from winds and rough seas coming from the north - easterly quarter of the horizon. Water areas near the oil pier and the roadstead petroleum products transfer point near Theodosiya oil handling terminal are not sheltered from southerly winds (SE, S, SW). Pi­lotage in the port's inner and outer roadstead is compulsory for all vessels except Ukrainian vessels of less than 500 gross registered tons. Pilotage in port area is avail­able 24 hr/d. Foreign — flag vessels should meet a pilot at buoy V.


transfer – перегрузка

oozy – илистый

to be sheltered – быть укрытым

embankment – набережная

to be available – быть в наличии


1. Where is the merchant seaport Theodosia situated?

2. What are depths in the port water area?

3. How many oil terminals are in the port?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 333 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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