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Satcom promotes marine safety

IMO held an International Search and Rescue Conference in 1979 with the aim to transform the existing system of communications and improve safety of life at sea. Assembly Resolution called for the establishment of a new communication system, in which maritime satellites and microwave communications form an important element. Early In 1982 a new global system of satellites was established bу theInternational Maritime Satellite Organization INMARSAT). It gives ships direct access to world telecommunications networks for high quality telephone, telex and other services, and also provides improved servi­ces for distress, safety and urgency messages.

Satellites and their associated control systems provide the space segment necessary for efficiency and management of ships, maritime public correspondence service and radio determination (position- fix­ing) capabilities.

Satellites have several advantages over conventional communications First, they cover short, medium and long distances. Second, they can provide for automatic operation. Third, satellite systems are reli­able.

The US, Canada, France and Russia have developed a system which uses low polar - orbiting satellites to provide global coverage and which picks up signals from devices carried by aircrafts and ships. The system picks up a signal from a satellite, computers can tell rescue authorities from where the signal is originating. The whole procedure is automatic and takes only a few seconds.

Ship earth stations have a “distress button”, the pressing of which automatically sends a request message which indicates distress priority. Distress calls have priority over all other types of calls. Each coast earth station operating in INMARSAT system has arrange­ments with appropriate authority responsible for SAR operations.

Each distress call received at the coast station is routed to the SAR organization which assumes responsibility for all further actions.


access - доступ,подход, проход

network - сеть,радиотрансляционная сеть

efficiency - действенность

maritime public correspondence service -радиотелефонная СВЯЗЬ с судами

capabilities - потенциальные возможности

alert - сигнал тревоги

reliable - надежный

procedure - образ действия,технологический процесс

priority - приоритет, первостепенность

appropriate - подходящий, соответствующий

to assume - принимать на себя, допускать


1. What does Satcom promote?

2. When was global system of satellites established?

3. What did satellite system give to mariners?

4. What countries have developed low polar – orbiting satellites?

5. What do ship earth stations have?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 297 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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