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Merchant ship search and rescue Manual

The purpose of this Manual is to provide guidance for those who during emergencies at sea may require assistance from others or who may be able to render such assistance themselves. In particular, it is designated to aid the master of any vessel who might be called upon to conduct search and rescue operations at sea for persons in distress.

In general, distress incident fall into two main categories:

1) coastal - in which some or all of the following may be available to assist: ships,
aircraft, helicopters and shorebased lifesaving facilities;

2) ocean - in which ships and long range aircraft may be available although, in the
more remote ocean areas, only ships may be available.

It is known that the basis for this Manual is the international conventions which set out responsibilities for assistance at sea. It is accepted as the normal practice of seamen, indeed there is an obligation upon masters, that they render every assistance within their power in cases where a person or persons are in distress at sea. These obligations are set out in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at sea.

Position-reporting is an instrument for search and rescue. Therefore, masters are
encouraged to make full use of position-reporting arrangements and facilities wherever they exist.

Certain governments vest responsibility on designated land-based authorities to exercise general coordination and to supervise, as appropriate, the conduct of search and rescue operations. This task is usually carried out by units established for coordinating search and rescue in designated areas. The units are usually referred to as rescue coordination centres (RCC) or rescue subcentres (RSC) and the areas as search and rescue regions (SRR).


designate предназначать

obligation - обязательство

appropriate - надлежащим образом

RCC (rescue coordination centre) - СКЦ (спасательный координационный центр)


1. What does the abbreviation MERSAR stand for?

2. What types of incidents do you know?

3. Who has obligations of search and rescue?

4. What is an instrument for search and rescue?

5. What units are responsible for search and rescue?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 377 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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