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1. an amount of money that is owed but probably won’t be paid
2. the accounting value of a company (assets minus liabilities)
3. a legal right to produce and sell a newly invented product for a certain period of time
4. the historical cost of an asset minus depreciation charges
5. the amount a company pays for another one, in excess of the net value of its assets
6. a legally protected word, phrase, symbol or design used to identify a product
7. to accept that a debt will not be paid
8. to deduct money from profits because of debts that will not be paid
9. products that are not complete or ready for sale
10. the amount of money owed by customers who have bought goods but not yet paid for them
Match the two parts of the sentences. Look at A, B and C opposite to help you.
1. A company’s value on the stock exchange is nearly always
2. Brand names, trade marks, patents, customers, and qualified staff
3. Cash, money owed by customers, and inventory
4. Companies record inventory at the cost of buying or making the items,
5. Companies write off bad debts, and make provisions
6. Land, buildings, factories and equipment
a are current assets.
b are examples of intangible assets.
c are examples of tangible, fixed assets.
d by deducting the amount from profits.
e higher than the value of its net assets.
f or the current market price, whichever is lower.
Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 2556 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!