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Find words in A and B opposite with the following meanings

1.a company offering financial services

2. the money a company uses, raised by way of shares and bonds

3.when two formerly separate companies agree to join together

4.a company formed by the merger or takeover of several other companies

5. the ending of some rules and restrictions

6.when a company offers to buy the shares of another company to gain control of it

2.Before financial deregulation, which types of financial institutions did these types of № business? Look at A opposite to help you.

1 arranging mergers

2 offering life insurance

3. issuing shares and bonds

4.providing mortgages

5.receiving deposits and making loans to individuals and small companies

6.giving financial advice to companies

7.organizing (or defending against) takeover bids

8.providing pensions

3.The extracts below are from websites. Which types of banks do the websites belong to? Look at A and C opposite to help you.

1. The Federal Reserve was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.

2. We provide a full range of products and services, including advising on corporate strategy and structure, and raising capital in equity and debt markets.

2. How can we help you? We can:

Build a long-term, one-to-one relationship with your banker. Manage your family's diverse business and personal assets Build a portfolio tailored to your family's unique needs. Play an active role in managing your assets.

3. Nearly twelve million cheques and credits pass through the system each working day. Cheque volumes reached a peak in 1990 but usage has fallen since then, mainly owing to increased use of plastic cards and direct debits by personal customers.

4. Why bank 'with us? Because we offer:

§ a comprehensive range of accounts and services

§ over 1,600 branches, many with Saturday opening

§ free withdrawals from over 31,000 cash machines

§ online and telephone banking for round-the-clock access to your accounts

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 3398 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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