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Directions to a Meeting

Mark: Linda, do you know how to get to Daniels Co.? I've never been there before.
Heather: Are you driving or taking the subway?

Mark: The subway.
Heather: Right. Take the no. 9 from West 72nd street. Get off at Times Square and change to the shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above ground and walk north on Park Avenue.

Mark: Just a moment, let me write this down!

Heather: Take the no. 9 from West 72nd street. Get off at Times Square and change to the shuttle. Got it?

Mark: Yes, thanks. Now, once I get to Times Square, which train do I take?
Heather: Change to the shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above ground and walk north on Park Avenue.

Mark: Can you repeat that?
Heather: Change to the shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above ground and walk north on Park Avenue.

Mark: Thanks Heather. How long does it take?
Heather: It takes about a half an hour. When is your meeting?

Mark: It's at nine. I'll leave at eight-thirty.
Heather: That's a busy time of day. You should leave at eight.

Mark: OK. Thanks Heather.
Heather: No problem.

Key Vocabulary

to get to somewhere
to take the subway
to change to another train
to go across town
to get off
to go above ground
to walk north / south / west / east
to take time
a busy time of day

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 887 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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