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Match the job titles (1-4) with the descriptions (a-d). Look at A and B opposite to help you

1. bookkeepers

2. accountants

3. internal auditors

4. external auditors

a company employees who check the financial statements

b expert accountants working for independent firms who review companies’ financial statements and accounting records

c people who prepare financial statements

d people who prepare a company’s day-to-day accounts

Match the nouns in the box with the verbs below to make word combinations. Some words can be used twice. Look at A and B opposite to help you.

  accounts procedures opinions
  systems of control regulations policies
  stock take advice, laws

check ____________ examine _______________

____________ ______________


comply with ___________ give _____________

___________ _____________

Complete the table with words from A, B and C opposite and related forms. Put a stress mark in front of the stressed syllable in each word. The first one has been done for you. Then complete the sentences below with the correct forms of words from the table.

Verb Noun Adjective
-   'accurate
  compliance --
  record --
  examination --

1. I’m an internal auditor. I________ the company’s accounts, to make sure that they are_______________.and that they________ with company policies and general accounting principles.

2. If the control systems aren’t adequate, I make_________concerning changes.

3.The external auditors check to see if transactions are being_______ correctly.

Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 1956 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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