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The new Coke: an advertising flop

In April 1985 the Coca-Cola Company announced that it was changing the 99-year old formula of its world-famous product. Coca-Cola spent millions of advertising dollars trying to convince consumers that the new, sweeter Coke was better. But consumer tastes didn’t budge. The Coca-Cola Company was besieged with letters and phone calls from consumers demanding a return to the old formula. The cries of protest did not diminish with time: in June the company said it was still receiving 1,500 calls a day. In July the company succumbed to consumer pressure, announcing that it would revive the original formula and market it under the name Coca-Cola Classic. By 1990 Coca-Cola Classic was the best-selling soft drink, outselling “New Coke” by a margin of eight to one. In early 1990 the company renamed (“Coke II) and repackaged the “new” Coke in an effort to bolster lagging sales.

Put each of the following words or phrases into its correct place in the passage below.

Promotion, advertising, Mustang, campaign, media, promotion, demand

A successful ….. or promotional …. can have a huge impact on the number of products sold. The company must anticipate the effort of any planned advertising and …. to ensure that supply, is available to meet ….. For example, when Ford Motors introduced the new ….., it was promoted through print and broadcast …..

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 321 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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