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a) thermal; б) temperature-current
For making of the relay into working position click thus the appendix of the 6th lever 3 goes to the left, and his upper shoulder departs to the right and is set as is shown in Fig. 4a.
In fig.4б, the temperature and current TT-1 relay is figured which is intended for protection against overheating of windings of asynchronous single-phase short-circuited electromotors with power up to 600 W of 127 and 220 V.
The relay has a bimetallic element which when heating for a certain temperature intermittently changes the direction of the curve, and when cooling also intermittently returns to the previous position.
The relay is mounted directly on the engine. Its contacts join in an engine supply circuit. The same circuit sequentially turns on the non- chromic heater.
In case of an engine overload, under the influence of heating of the non- chromic heater the current proceeding on engine windings, the bimetallic element of the relay works and disconnects an engine circuit.
Temperature of actuating of a bimetallic element of the relay about 120 °. Return temperature about 80 °. The weight of the relay is no more than 12 g.
Such thermal relays supply magnetic actuators, oily pressure gages, thermometers of the cooling system of cars and many other devices.
Вправа 3. Дайте відповіді на питання.
1. What do we use to protect electrical circuits?
2. What are their types?
3. What are the main parts of a maximum machine gun?
4. How is repeated turning on of the machine gun made?
5. When do we call machine gun minimum?
6. What are the main advantages of switches machine guns?
7. What do we call contactors?
8. What are their types?
9. Where do we use contactors?
10. When do we use magnetic actuator?
11. On what action is thermo switch based?
12. What kind of thermo switch has a widespread?
13. Where is the relay mounted directly?
14. What is temperature of actuating of a bimetallic element of the relay?
15. What is the return temperature?
16. What do supply such thermal relays?
Вправа 4. Перекладіть письмово словосполучення, користуючись текстом.
Порушення нормальних робочих умов, вимикати ланцюг, основні частини, електромагніт, вимикач, притягувати якір-клямку, менш допустима напруга, певна сила струму, плавкі запобіжники, дистанційне замикання та розмикання електричних ланцюгів, під дією магнітного поля, намагнічуватися, для ланцюгів постійного струму, більш складні пристрої, можна вмикати асинхронний двигун, обмотка двигуна, біметалічні теплові реле, коефіцієнт розширення, пуск двигуна.
Вправа 5. Замість крапок вставте необхідне за смислом слово, перелік яких поданий нижче.
1. The machine gun which … … a circuit when current in it reaches size, bigger than admissible, it is called maximum.
2. … … … of such machine gun are: electromagnet, anchor-latch and switch.
3. The machine gun which is disconnecting a circuit when … in it becomes less admissible is called minimum.
4. The biggest … of machine guns is the accuracy of their installation on a certain current, considerably bigger than at protection of circuit by fuses.
5. … … … consists of an electromagnet, the anchor located on axis, the main contacts and clips for accession of wires of the power supply network. All parts of the contactor are strengthened on the panel.
6. All parts of the contactor … … on the panel.
7. There is a … … of the chain operated by the contactor.
8. Remote control of electric motors of three-phase … … is exercised by means of magnetic actuators — more difficult devices in which triple-pole contactors enter.
9. When passing operational … … through a winding of an electromagnet the magnetic field and an anchor is excited attracted to the core.
10. Using two triple-pole contactors, it is possible to turn on the … … so that with their help it is possible to make an engine reversal.
11. Current from a circuit comes to engine … through the main contacts of the second actuator.
12. … … … select so that they had perhaps big difference of expansion ratios, for example copper — steel, steel — nickel, invar — brass.
13. In case of the current overloads the thermal maximum relay use … of electric motors.
14. Such thermal relays supply magnetic actuators, … … …, thermometers of the cooling system of cars and many other devices.
15. The relay has a bimetallic element in which when heating for a certain temperature intermittently changes the direction of the curve, and when cooling also intermittently returns to the … ….
(electric current, materials for plates, the rotary contactor, are strengthened,
asynchronous engine, previous position, oily pressure gages, is disconnecting,
advantage, the main parts, short circuit, tension, alternating current, windings,
to protect).
Вправа 6. Виберіть правильну відповідь (ідиому).
1. Tom eats like a …. He ate all of the roast beef, and most of the chocolate cake too.
2. I don't like this situation. I don't trust those people, and I smell a ….
3. We were scared and didn't know what to do. Then Mike decided to … and tell the boss everything.
take the bear by the tooth
take the bull by the horns
take the lion by the muzzle
take the monkey by the tail
4. She doesn't need it, but she doesn't let me have it either. She behaves like a … in the manger.
5. I didn't like driving in that city. Traffic was too heavy there. Wild drivers and road … were also a problem.
6. My neighbor is as strong as …. I couldn't even move that box, and he picked it up and carried it out.
an elephant
a gorilla
an ox
a tiger
7. He is not rich, and his family is large. He has to work hard to keep the … from the door.
8. In my opinion, buying a used car without consulting a good car mechanic first is like buying a … in a poke.
9. You can sit here till the … come home, but he won't come out and talk with you.
10. The hall was so packed with people that there was not enough room to swing a ….
Граматичний матеріал: Реферативний переклад
Реферати́вний пере́клад — різновид перекладу, при якому відбувається стиснення основного змісту вихідного тексту на одній мові засобами іншої. З однієї сторони, реферативний переклад являє собою форму реферування та змістовну редукцію тексту. З іншої сторони, він підпадає під означення перекладу як передачі інформації, яка міститься у деякому творі, засобами іншої мови.
Основні етапи реферативного перекладу
Відповідно до першого з визначень терміну «реферативний переклад» існують наступні основні етапи його підготовки: - виділення ключових фрагментів; - повне або часткове перефразування частини виділених ключових фрагментів;
- узагальнення змістовних частин тексту, що реферується, та їх трансдукція на мові перекладу; - переказ отриманого ряду трансдуктів (кінцевого тексту) при умові введення у кінцевий текст перехідних елементів. Згідно з другим визначенням терміну «реферативний переклад» робота над ним відбувається за такою схемою: - докладне вивчення оригіналу; - виклад змісту оригіналу за власним планом, який повинен відображати: *проблематику тексту; *основні питання твору; *акценти, які, з точки зору аспіранта, заслуговують на особливу увагу; *формулювання висновків, можливе висловлення оцінки. Слід відмітити, що хоча в анотації та рефераті є певні спільні риси (оскільки обидва ці види творів належать до наукових мета текстів), але головною відмінністю між ними є те, що при реферативному перекладі основні мікротеми повинні бути не ли-ше визначеними, як в анотаційному перекладі, але й повинні розкриватися більш обширно. Якщо в оригіналі є малюнки, креслення, то потрібно вибрати найбільш важливі і пояснити їх при перекладі.
Приклад реферативного перекладу “Solar Energy”
Shortage of energy is a major world problem and experts predict that the present rate of increase in energy can exhaust the supply of fossil fuels in the twenty-first century. What the world needs is a source of perpetual energy. Potentially, we have a source of perpetual energy shining down on us. The Sun. [On clear day in the tropics, the intensity of solar energy can be more than a kilowatt per square metre at midday. That amount of energy falling on an area of sixty-four square kilometres is about as much as the whole of the British electricity generating system produces.
There is no charge for the energy that flows so freely from the Sun.] Unfortunately its collection and storage can be both difficult and expensive. [Some form of storage is necessary because the sun's rays do not reach us on cloudy days or at night]. Nevertheless, solar energy is now an economic and practicable solution.
It is possible to convert solar energy directly to electricity by the use of photoelectric cells but for most practicable purposes this is too expensive. Today's solar energy systems are of two types, based on the flat plate collector and the focusing collector. [The flat plate collector is simpler and cheaper. In its simplest form, the sun's rays fall onto a panel carrying water pipes. The Sun heats the water which is then available for use].Focusing systems can trap a much higher proportion, of the sun's energy and also produce much higher temperatures. [People have known this principle for a long time. As far back as 212 В..С.
Archimedes, using focusing mirrors, set fire on the Roman fleet.]
Заняття 54
Тема: Теплові атомні та гідроелектростанції
Граматичний матеріал: Анотаційний переклад
Вправа 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть слова за допомогою словника.
mineral fuel [ˈmɪnərəl fjʊəl]
rapid [ˈræpɪd]
exhausted [ɪgˈzɔːstɪd]
sensible [ˈsɛnsəbl]
scientific foundation ˌ[saɪənˈtɪfɪk faʊnˈdeɪʃən]
harnessing [ˈhɑːnɪsɪŋ]
atomic nucleus [əˈtɒmɪk ˈnjuːklɪəs]
significance [sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns]
appreciate [ əˈpriːʃɪeɪt]
realize [rɪˈliːs]
ability [əˈbɪlɪti]
nuclear power [ˈnjuːklɪə ˈpaʊə]
fission [ˈfɪʃən]
split [splɪt]
release [rɪˈliːs]
thermal [ˈθɜːməl]
steam boiler [stiːm ˈbɔɪlə]
lethal [ˈliːθəl]
shielding system [ˈʃiːldɪŋ ˈsɪstɪm]
Вправа 2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст українською.
Atomic Power Stations
The reserves of mineral fuels in the world are limited and as a result of the rapid growth of their industrial exploitation they will become exhausted in the not too distant future. What is more it would be more sensible to use these minerals (especially oil) as raw materials for the chemical industry. It is natural, therefore, to look for new sources of power.
During the first half of the twentieth century scientists in a number of сountries laid the scientific foundation for harnessing a new energy source - the atomic nucleus. The significance of this source of energy may be appreciated if one realizes that 1 kilogram of atomic material (uranium or thorium) is equivalent, in heating ability, to 2,700 tons of coal.
In nuclear power generation the former Soviet Union has led the world from the very start. In 1954 the USSR brought into operation the world’s first nuclear power plant (5,000KW1). The energy of the atomic nucleus used in such systems is called atomic or nuclear energy, since it is heat energy obtained during the fission of heavy atomic nuclei. A neutron hits a nucleus and splits it into two approximately equal halves releasing at the same time several neutrons and beta and gamma radiation.
To obtain this energy continiously (not in the form of an explosion) so-called atomic (nuclear) reactors are used. A nuclear power station replaced thermal power station in which the nuclear reactor replaces the steam boiler. A relatively small quantity of “nuclear fuel” is consumed in a reactor, to obtain 100,000 kilowatts of heat it is enough to “bum” only 100 grams of nuclear material daily. But control of this burning is a very complex problem. The fission process is accompanied by very intense radio-active radiation that are lethal to all living things.
This makes it necessary to build special shielding systems to protect personnel from the radiation.
Вправа 3. Дайте відповіді на питання.
1. Why must we look for new sources of power instead of mineral fuels?
2. When did scientists lay the scientific foundation for harnessing the atomic energy?
3. When was the first nuclear power plant brought into operation?
4. What kind of energy is called nuclear energy?
5. How is this energy formed?
6. What are atomic reactors used for?
7. Why is the fission process dangerous to all living things?
8. What is it necessary to do to protect personnel from the radiation?
Вправа 4. Виберіть правильне твердження.
1. The reserves of mineral fuels in the world are not limited.
2. The mankind must look for new sources of power.
3. The scientist laid the scientific foundation for using the atomic nucleus.
4. The world’s first nuclear power plant was brought in to operation in the USA.
5. The energy of atomic nucleus is called a thermal energy.
6. To obtain this energy continuously atomic reactors are used.
7. The fission process absolutely safe to all living things.
8. It is necessary to build special shielding systems to protect personnel from the radiation.
Вправа 5. Перекладіть речення українською.
1. A power station is an industrial facility for the generation of electric power.
2. Each power station contains one or more generators, a rotating machine that converts mechanical power into electrical power by creating relative motion between a magnetic field and a conductor.
3. The energy source harnessed to turn the generator varies widely.
4. Most power stations in the world burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas to generate electricity, and some use nuclear power, but there is an increasing use of cleaner renewable sources such as solar, wind, wave and hydroelectric.
The Athlone Power Station in Cape Town, South Africa.
Вправа 6. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст, виписуючи незнайому лексику.
Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 471 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!