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Reading. 1. Read the text and focus on types of employment and the main reasons for working

1. Read the text and focus on types of employment and the main reasons for working.

When we speak about employment we usually mean paid work done by a person or a group of people. There are different types of employment nowadays.

The main goal of economy is full employment, which means availability of jobs for all employable citizens.

Nowadays a lot of people work part-time; they perform their professional duties during a part of the regular working time. There has been a huge rise in part-time jobs of all kinds, ranging from the unskilled office cleaners to the highly skilled computer consultants.

There is also job sharing. This is a practice of dividing a full time job between two people so that each works for half the time.

We can also mention informal employment, or paid work on a casual basis. Jobs are often irregular, and workers are self-employed without earning pensions and without paying taxes. This sort of employment is common in urban areas of developing countries. It may involve service jobs as well as craft industries.

With technological advances more and more people telework. It means working away from the employer’s office, often at home, but maintaining close contact with coworkers and managers using computers and IT. In some situations teleworking can increase an employee’s productivity; it also decreases the time they spend driving to and from work and at the same time decreases pollution from cars. But some managers feel uncomfortable with the lack of direct supervision they have over their teleworking employees, and some employees may dislike teleworking because of isolation from coworkers.

But why do people work? This question is important for business. The management of any business must try to understand why people work and provide the right motivation to make them work more effectively.

Of course, one of the main reasons for working is money. People work to get enough money to satisfy their basic needs. But money isn’t the only motivation.

Belonging to a group is also a strong motivation for working people. A sense of security is another human need for most people, that is why employers try to provide different pension and sick-pay schemes.

One more strong motivation for people is a sense of self-importance. To work efficiently, people want to feel their importance and necessity. Only in this case they will have job satisfaction – a sense that you are doing something you really want to do using all your skills and creativity.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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