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Summary Points. 1. Read the passage and divide it into 3 paragraphs

1. Read the passage and divide it into 3 paragraphs.

Although all organizations have their own cultures, not all cultures have an equal influence on employees. Organizations where the key values are widely shared have strong cultures. The more employees accept the organization’s key values, the stronger the culture is. Employees in firms with strong cultures are more committed to their firms than employees in firms with weak cultures. Moreover, strong cultures are associated with high performance of organizations. Whether an organization’s culture is strong, weak, or somewhere in between, depends on the intensity with which the culture was originated. It is necessary to remember that organizations where the key values are intensely held and widely shared have strong corporate cultures.

2. Choose from the list A-D the sentence which best summarizes each paragraph (1-3) of the passage. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use.

A. The main characteristics of strong cultures are: shared key values, employees’ commitment to their firm and high performance of the organization.

B. Any organization has its own corporate culture.

C. The cultures of some organizations encourage employees to take risks.

D. The intensity with which the culture was originated plays the most important role.

3. Summarize the passage, basing on the sentences from Task 2.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 274 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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