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Summary Points

1. Read the text and choose the most suitable headline out of those given below.

A. Importance of Job Interviews.

B. Problems at Job Interviews.

C. Basic Types of Job Interviews.

D. Psychological Aspect of Job Interviews.

Job interviews can generally be divided into 3 main types. The first is called the “traditional interview”. This is usually a series of standard questions about qualifications, work experience, knowledge and expectations. Here you have a list of quite traditional questions, like “What duties did you have in your previous job?” This is still the model for a lot of interviews today.

Then there is the “case interview” which is very challenging. Here the interviewer presents a problem and then asks questions to find out how the candidate would solve the problem. The “case interview” puts candidates in a pretty uncomfortable position because they are asked to do different things – to demonstrate that they can analyze the problem logically, and communicate effectively with the interviewer.

The third type is known as the “behavioural interview”. Its task is to find out how candidates behave in certain situations. A typical question here may be “Can you give me an example of a situation where you had to follow orders that you didn’t agree with?” The answers to such questions disclose a lot of information and the interviewer can see more of the interviewee.

2. Put down key words and expressions from each paragraph.

3. Summarize the text, basing on the key words and expressions you have put down.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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