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Vocabulary Focus. 1. Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right

1. Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.

1. essential a. decrease

2. interfere b. let

3. reduce c. important

5. allow e. regulate

2. Use the words from the list of Useful Vocabulary to complete the sentences.

1. The American ….. emphasizes private ownership.

a. deep recession

b. free enterprise system

c. interest rate

2. While most Americans would agree that ….. has an important role to play in the economy, there is a considerable disagreement as to how active this role should be.

a. government

b. environment

c. responsibility

3. People who ….. in education, gain profit in the form of knowledge.

a. interfere

b. invest

c. reduce

4. A serious, long-lasting ….. is called a depression or a slump.

a. inflation

b. increase

c. recession

5. In carrying out ….., the government uses a combination of monetary and fiscal policies.

a. fine-tuning

b. laissez-faire

c. tax breaks

6. If a(n) ….. is lowered, businesses will borrow more from the banks, jobs will be created, but prices might rise and that means inflation.

a. run-away inflation

b. government regulation

c. interest rate

3. Give the English equivalents to the following expressions.

- чрезвычайное экономическое положение

- налоговые льготы

- безудержная инфляция

- производить товары и услуги

- современные информационные технологии

- принимать решения

- поднять процентную ставку

- контролировать цены и доходы

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 607 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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