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Vocabulary Focus. 1. Complete the gaps choosing the right alternative

1. Complete the gaps choosing the right alternative.

1. In a partnership, the business is … by two or more people.

a) varied b) assumed c) owned

2. Every job has its ….

a) disadvantages b) enterprise c) tax

3. Demand for certain products … with the season.

a) contributes b) flows in c) varies

4. Mr Lee … many charities.

a) assumes risks of b) contributes to c) flows in

5. He packed all his … into one bag.

a) possessions b) ownership c) liabilities

6. I didn’t get muchfrom this transaction.

a) responsibility b) benefit c) disadvantage

7. The baker has … business here for years.

a) varied b) carried on c) flown in

2. Look through the text once again and find the English equivalents.

предоставлять товары и услуги

несколько стандартных типов

быть ответственным за успех или неудачу

исключительное право на прибыль

нести персональную ответственность за долги

быть образованным с целью;

с целью ведения бизнеса

передача фондов

агентские (посреднические) отношения

коммерческий или некоммерческий

контролировать потоки денег

3. Change the words on the right to complete the sentences below.

1. He is the … of 2 houses. ownership
2. You are … for the damage caused by your action. responsibility
3. The … for this deal is yours! responsible
4. An association of persons joined as partners in business is a … partner
5. I’m proud to be his …! partnership
6. He spent only his … money to buy this flat. ownership

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 215 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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