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Summary Points. 1. Summarize the main idea of the text below

1. Summarize the main idea of the text below.

There are numerous reasons that make people think about owning a business of their own. Personal independence, unlimited profit potential, the opportunity to work at something they really love are some of the reasons people have given for trying entrepreneurship. Many business leaders begin their careers as entrepreneurs after four years of undergraduate college training and even additional graduate school training. Others become successful entrepreneurs without special training.

Many colleges now offer programs that teach students how to start and operate a business. Basic information is combined with hands-on experience and the advice of successful business consultants. These programs help potential entrepreneurs decide whether their own ideas are good and how to follow through with them.

A common way to learn about business, and the opportunities for starting one similar to it, is to learn while working for someone else. It provides a source of steady income to people while they are planning to start their own businesses. About 50 percent of entrepreneurs start their businesses in industries in which they have some experience.

2. Divide the text into logical parts and use appropriate vocabulary to make its summary.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 265 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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