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Key Vocabulary. Study the following vocabulary and do the task that follows. 1

Study the following vocabulary and do the task that follows.

1. create v создавать
2. inputs n затраты на производство
3. distinguishable from отличимый от
4. natural resources природные ресурсы
5. deposit n залежь, месторождение
6. oil n нефть
7. activity n деятельность
8. demands n потребности
9. undertake action предпринимать действие
10. assist v помогать
11. entrepreneurship n предпринимательство
12. take place иметь место, случиться
13. risk-bearing n принятие риска
14. carry out v выполнять
15. sole-proprietor n частный предприниматель
16. share v делить

Pre-reading Activities

1. Use key vocabulary to complete the sentences.

1. Macroeconomics studies the total output of a nation and the way the nation allocates its limited … of land, labor and capital.

a) resources b) oil c) activity

2. A customer's … are usually safety, quality, and value.

a) deposits b) resources c) demands

3. If you … ownership of your business with someone else, your business will not be a sole proprietorship.

a) assist b) share c) create

4. Inform me where the conference will ….

a) undertake action b) carry out c) take place

5. Management skills can be a separate factor of production called ….

a) inputs b) entrepreneurship c) risk-bearing

6. My secretary in making the decision.

a) assisted b) shared c) carried out

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 215 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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