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Exercise 8. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

1. to create/ remember / on a background color / to your web page background color /is / that / your transparent GIFs / the same or close

2. are / ready / not / to / pages / link / that / not / do

3. you want indexed / that / make sure / can / all / with / documents / normal links / the index / from / (no image maps) / documents / be reached

4. site / choose / the / to put / appropriate / with the intended audience / your banner ad / most / to maximise / its potential

5. are / image / should / "natural" / be / not / they / avoided / maps/ when

6. every / languages available / to / should / document / multilingual hierarchy / in / include / a / links / the other

7. way / make / document(s) / sure / a / index / to / is / to / the / or / overview / always / there / navigate

Exercise 9. Match the two parts.

1. Try to keep the length of the title under 64 characters; this prevents it from being cut off in browser windows and bookmark lists. 2. To make the documents render faster, 3. When using the IMG or AREA elements, 4. Authors had better avoid specifying absolute widths larger than a few hundred pixels, 5. If you use browser-specific elements, 6. I recommend to concentrate on the structure of the document rather than its presentation 7. If you want to provide large images, then use small thumbnails A authors should always use the ALT attribute to provide a textual alternative. B it’s a good idea to fix your document so it still works if the browser-specific material is ignored. C to allow a user to get a preview of the image quickly. Dbecause a document marked up structurally can easily adapt to different browsing environments. E since large widths can cause horizontal scrolling with narrow windows or large fonts. F which prevents it from being cut off in browser windows and bookmark lists. G you should include the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes on the IMG element.

Exercise 10. Make sentences using the clue given.

1. not give open access to PCs / may get viruses (avoid)

2. not drink coffee in the lab / damage the keyboard (better)

3. rather than image maps or graphical buttons / to base your navigation system on text links (should)

4. use up-to-date anti-virus software / new viruses appear all the time (recommend)

5. hear strange noises emanating from your computer / shut it off immediately before further damage is incurred (better)

6. use the Internet / take precautions not to get virus-infected (good idea)

7. broadband to download audio and video files within seconds / enables you to use the Internet more efficiently (recommend)

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 973 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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