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Task 8. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. It they are false, correct them

1. All 2D applications use 3D techniques to achieve certain effects.

2. The output of the rendering software is seldom used as only one small part of a completed motion picture scene.

3. Real-time, interactive rendering of NURBS curves and surfaces were first made available in 1989.

4. Polygon representations are not used in all rendering techniques.

5. The first interactive NURBS modeling software for PCs was called CAS.

Task 9. Look in the text and find synonyms to the following:

operate, information, often, similar, method, different, too, famous, stage, result, several, to be able to.

Task 10. Arrange the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1. image, in, means, occurs, Real-time, generation, «on-the-fly», that, or, «real-time».

2. in, representation, geometric, stored, the, A, computer, three-dimensional, of, is, data.

3. starts, model, The, process, a, 3D, cel-shading, typical, with.

4. is, occurs, a, The, drawn, difference, cel-shaded, on-screen, when, object.

5. significant, factor, is, contributing, a, Lighting.

Task 11. Define the following terms:

graphics, algorithm, model, real-time, frame, simulation, technique, package, interactive, data.

Task 12. What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Task 13. Discuss the following questions:

1. What is 3D computer graphics?

2. In what cases do 2D applications use 3D techniques?

3. What are the stages of creating 3D computer graphics?

4. What do you know about modeling techniques?

5. What special programs can be used for modeling?

6. Who created NURBS?

7. When did NURBS appear?

8. What are the spheres of NURBS application?


Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 741 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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