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Exercise 2. Translate the sentences paying attention to Complex Subject construction

Сomplex Subject · Computing equipment is known to make production process more effective. - Відомо, що комп'ютерне обладнання робить виробничі процеси більш ефективними. (Комп'ютерне обладнання, як відомо, робить виробничі процеси більш ефективними.) · The chip appeared to be a crucial development in the accelerating pace of computer technology. - Кристали виявилися важливим винаходом в прискоренні розвитку комп'ютерних технологій. · He is certain to know the password. - Безсумнівно, він знає пароль.

1. The programmer is free to concentrate on the desired result – what the program is supposed to accomplish – rather than worry about the details of how the computer operates. 2. Each new communications technology or application seems to require its own standards. 3. Internet-2 is expected to be deployed around this year. 4. Each new communications technology or application seems to require its own standards. 5. Capturing data at the source minimizes errors because the people who key the data are doing a variety of tasks and are therefore less likely to make errors due to boredom. 6. Processor is known to refer to the processing circuits: central processing unit, memory, interrupt unit, clock, and timing. 7. Many so-called general-purpose computers are known to have features which restrict their use to certain general problem areas. 8. The desk computer is expected to function as your personal librarian, carry out simple optimization computations, control your budget or diet, play several hundred games, etc. 9. Further development of the computer is believed to lead to a situation in which most of the knowledge accepted by mankind will be stored in computers and made accessible to anyone with a home computer. 10. The development of the project appears to be improving. 11. He proved to be an excellent programmer. 12. At present the most important examples of semiconductors seem to be silicon and germanium. 13. The importance of mathematics for all sciences is known to be growing rapidly. 14. The creation of complex modern machines is considered to require a thoroughly developed industry and a high technical level in all branches of industry. 15. The program proved to be a great success.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 619 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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