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Exercise 3. Translate the sentences paying attention to infinitive constructions

1. Today it’s common to see terminals that include telephones, PCs and larger computers. 2. To know a foreign language is necessary for the computer specialist. 3. It is important to realize that video RAM (VRAM) must meet higher performance specifications than regular RAM. 4. It is necessary to define the tasks of this program. 5. To help our comrades is our duty. 6. To solve this problem is extremely important. 7. It is important to remember that disk drives are mechanical devices. 8. To introduce a microprocessor that is not downwardly compatible with previous models is very risky. 9. To study this program requires much knowledge. 10. New computer systems have such good audio systems that it is possible to listen to music while you work, have the computer tell you when the printer needs paper, play games that include sound, or compose music on the computer. 11. To explain this simple fact is not so very easy. 12. To obtain these data is necessary for carrying out further experiments. 13. To translate the text without a dictionary is difficult. 14. To train highly qualified programmers is extremely important for the development of computer science. 15. To study this programming language requires much knowledge.


Study this extract from the interview.   I What do you intend to do next with your site? J I'm going to update the Movie Journal section and I'd like to build in new links.   Why doesn't John say, “and I'm going to build in new links”?   Later John says, J... my favourite site would have to be the internet Movie Database.   Why doesn't he say, “my favourite site has to be the Internet Movie Database”?   We use would in conditional sentences. For example:   If you spilled coffee on the keyboard, you would damage it.   Often the condition is implied, not stated. For example:   (If I had time) I'd like to build in new links. (If I had to make a choice) my favourite site would have to be the Internet Movie Database.   What is the implied condition in this extract?   I would look at other sites too for good ideas.  

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 957 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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