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Б)Запомните словосочетания

1. to enter an institute 2. to be good at smth. 3. to come easy to smb. 4. lecture on 5. seminar on 6. to work by fits and starts 7. to get good marks 8. to attend classes 9. to take notes at a lecture 10. students’ society 11. research work 12. to fall behind the group 13. timetable 14. to take an exam 15. to pass an exam 16. to be strong (weak) in …   1. поступать в институт 2. иметь способности к … 3. легко даваться 4. лекция по … 5. семинар по … 6. работать урывками 7. получать хорошие оценки 8. посещать занятия 9. записывать лекцию 10. студенческое общество 11. научно-исследовательская работа 12. отстать от группы 13. расписание 14. сдавать экзамен 15. сдать экзамен 16. быть сильным (слабым) по предмету

2. Прочитайте бегло:

– the oldest in our region

– the oldest in our region and state-supported institution

The Orenburg State Agrarian University is the oldest in our region and state- supported institution of higher learning.

– is composed of 7 faculties

– is composed of 7 faculties, 4 institutes and one college

– Located in the center of the town, the university is composed of 7 faculties, 4 institutes and one college.

– to provide the region

– to provide the region with highly–qualified specialists

– The objective of our university is to provide the region with highly-qualified


– The Orenburg State Agrarian University is the oldest in our region and state- supported institution of higher learning. Located in the centre of the town, the university is composed of 7 faculties, 4 institutes and one college. The objective of our university is to provide the region with highly-qualified specialists.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 276 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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