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Dialogue 1

Kate: Hello, Ann!

Ann: Hello, Kate! Haven't seen you for ages! Meet my fellow student Lena.

Kate: How do you do! Glad to meet you, Lena. Are you from St. Petersburg?

Lena: No, I'm from Moscow. My family lives there now.

Kate: Do you live in the hall of residence or rent a room?

Lena: Neither. I live at my sister's. She has a nice three-room flat not far from the centre of the city.

Kate: You are lucky. Is your sister married?

Lena: Oh, yes. She is married and has a daughter already.

Kate: What is her husband?

Lena: He is a manager.

Kate: And is your sister also a manager?

Lena: Oh, no, she is a teacher of English.

Kate: Is she fond of her job?

Lena: I suppose, she is. She is fond of children and is very good at handling them. And are you fond of St. Petersburg, Kate?

Kate: Yes, I am. All my family lives in St. Peter­sburg.

Lena: And is it a large family?

Kate: Rather. We are five: my parents, a grand­mother, my younger brother and me.

Lena: Does your grandmother work?

Kate: No, she is a retired pensioner. She is over sixty. But she does a lot of housework.

Lena: Is your brother still at school?

Kate: Yes, he is. He is leaving school this year. He is seventeen.

Lena: What is he going to be?

Kate: His dream is to be an actor. He is a great theatre-lover.[5]

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Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 676 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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