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Упражнения. I. Найдите в предложениях сказуемые в страдательном залоге и переведите их

I. Найдите в предложениях сказуемые в страдательном залоге и переведите их.

1. The engineers have improved the bridge construction methods. 2. The bridge construction methods have been improved by the engineers. 3. The law of gravitation was discovered by Newton. 4. Newton discovered the law of gravitation. 5. They will speak about his scientific paper at the end of the discussion. 6. His scientific paper will be spoken about at the end of the discussion. 7. Many factors influence the intensity of this process. 8. The intensity of this process is influenced by many factors.

Таблица 15

Времена группы Indefinite (Passive):(to be + Participle II)

  Present Indefinite Passive Past Indefinite Passive Future Indefinite Passive
  + The task is completed. These houses are built of wood. The task was completed last month. These houses were built of wood. The task will be completed next month. These houses will be built of wood.
  ¯ The task isn’t completed. These houses aren’t built of wood. The task wasn’t completed last month. These houses were not built of wood. The task won’t be completed next month. These houses will not be built of wood.
  ? Is the task completed? Are these houses built of wood? Was the task completed last month? Were these houses built of wood? Will the task be completed next month? Will these houses be built of wood?

Времена группы Continuous (Passive):(to be being+ Participle II)

  Present Continuous Passive Past Continuous Passive Future Continuous Passive
  + The text is being translated by our students. The text was being translated when I came. Not used
  ¯ The text is not being translated by our students. The text was not being translated when I came. Not used
  ? Is the text being translated by our students? Was the text being translated when I came? Not used

Таблица 16

Времена группы Perfect (Passive):(to have been + Participle II)

  Present Perfect Passive Past Perfect Passive Future Perfect Passive
    + The house has been built. The text has been translated. The houses have been built. The texts have been translated. The house had been built by the end of the year. The texts had been translated by the end of the week. The house will have been built by the next year. The text will have been translated by 5 o’clock..  
  ¯ The house hasn’t been built. The text hasn’t been translated. The houses haven’t been built. The texts haven’t been translated.   The house hadn’t been built by the end of the year. The texts hadn’t been translated by the end of the week.   The house won’t have been built by the end of the year. The text won’t have been translated by the end of the week.  
    ? Has the house been built? Has the text been translated? Have the houses been built? Have the texts been translated?   Had the house been built by the end of the year? Had the texts been translated by the end of the week? Will the house have been built by the end of the week? Will the texts have been translated by the end of the week?  

9. We are carrying out a new research at the moment. 10. The new research is being carried out successfully. 11. The students were still conducting experiments when the bell rang. 12. The experiments were still being conducted in some laboratories when the bell rang. 13. People have known these construction methods for a long time. 14. These construction methods have been known by people for a long time. 15. The construction company built this comfortable block of flats some years ago. 16. This comfortable block of flats was built by the construction company five years ago.

II. Измените предложения по образцу.

Model: We have changed the properties of the substance. -

The properties of the substance have been changed.

1. They almost finished the construction of the tunnel. 2. We are discussing the results of the experiment. 3. They used concrete structures while erecting the new railroad bridge. 4. The lorries will bring cement to the construction site after lunch. 5. We don’t use this kind of fuel because it is very expensive. 6. Have you already installed the new equipment? 7. They will complete the experiment in a month. 8. The workers have tunnelled the road under the Channel. 9. The mechanic will test the engine when he repairs it. 10. As a rule, numerous discoveries follow one great discovery. 11. We were finishing the experiment when the device broke down. 12. They also pay much attention to the quality of materials for road construction. 13. The students asked the engineers about the new construction technologies. 14. Machines of new generation will do all labour-consuming and dangerous work in the future. 15. The International Committee has rewarded our professor, for his outstanding theory. 16. The development of machine-tools accelerated the industrial revolution.

III. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные способы перевода страдательного залога.

1. This phenomenon has already been discussed. 2. The project will be completed in a month. 3. The nuclear theory has been greatly influenced by quantum mechanics. 4. A lot of time is given to the study of the new method of work. 5. A new deep-level tunnel was being completed in London. 6. In England many houses are heated with coal. 7. The sun is being used widely in direct solar energy heating equipment and also as a fuel in making electricity. 8. A number of alternatives has been proposed. 9. This process has been little studied. 10. Concrete structures have been used instead of bricks.

11. The temperature had been raised before the explosion occurred. 12. This term has been used for a long time. 13. They were given some data illustrating this phenomenon.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 317 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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