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Summary или qualifications или highlights (квалификация)

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Ten years banking career: five years of branch operation management capping three years in varied ground- floor services. Adept at control of cash losses and forgeries and able to structure work assignments for maximal efficiency and customer service. Fully knowledge of KPGI accounts, money market accounts and safe deposit procedures.

Money market economist with background in commercial/ investment banking, areas of expertise include financial futures markets, cash markets, foreign exchange, interrelationships among domestic and foreign markets, development of quantitative techniques as aids to trading.

More than ten years experience in tax accounting, preparation and consultation with full knowledge of federal, state and local compliance statutes. Proven ability to interact with company presidents and controllers in effecting compliance with regulations. Expert investigator and interviewer. Capable motivator of personnel with definitive training experience. Additional experience as insurance field representative and assistant sales manager.

Record of significant contributions to profit levels and productivity in every position held. Capable leader and motivator with broad overview of sales and marketing. Adept at market analysis and conceptualization. Able product spokesman.

Strong administrator in large-volume operation possessing follow-through ability in implementing company policies and programs. Expert in departmental organization for maximum efficiency at minimum cost. Result-oriented salesperson with conceptual marketing acuity. Proven capacity for discharging increasing responsibility and accountability.

Extensive experience in managing program design development and implementation, using a variety of technologies in entrepreneurial, industrial and academic settings, including

Computer based systems

Testing and measurement

Return on investment

Strategic planning

Standard operating procedures

Vendor selection and evaluation

Sales/management training

Product feasibility

A successful background in division and corporate management with significant and creative contributions to corporate growth and development. Areas of experience:

*Division management

*Project management

*Advertising/promotions /special events

*Research and analysis


* Product development


* Strategic and market planning

* Budget planning and development

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 228 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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