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Text 8

Secretary Mr Martens will be with you in a moment. He's just finishing a phone call.

Michael Thank you.

Secretary Would you like some coffee?

Michael Yes, that would be great. With milk, no sugar, please.

Secretary Here you are.

Michael Thank you.

Michael Is this Accounting Department?

Secretary Yes, on this floor we have the trainee accountants and bookkeepers.

Michael And does everyone work in the open-plan area?

Secretary No, some of the managers have individual offices. The two big offices on the left are for the company treasurer and for our Senior Tax Accountant. The offices on the right are for ourDeputy Chief Accountantand Budget Manager.

Michael And the office in the corner of the open-plan area?

Secretary That's used by our back-office manager.

Michael And you have offices downstairs as well?

Secretary Yes, that's correct. Downstairs are the internal auditors and at the moment we have a team of external auditors. They're in one of the conference rooms at the end of the corridor.

Michael I see.

Secretary Ah, Mr Martens. This is Michael Rogers.

Paul Ah, yes. Hello, Michael. I'm Paul. It's nice to meet you. Sorry to keep you waiting. Please come in and take a seat. Did you have a nice flight?

Michael Yes, thanks, Paul. Finding the office was a little more difficult, though. I'm glad so many people here in Brussels can speak English.

Paul Oh yes, we're very international here now. Would you like to start by telling me a little about your experience, Michael? Your resume is very impressive.. Michael Yes, that's fine. I guess you know from my resume that I studied economics in New York,...

Задание 6. б) Расположите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Составьте из предложений диалог.

1 in Mr moment Martens you with will be a.

2 have Did you a flight nice?

3 coffee Would some you like?

4 keep Sorry you to waiting.

5 come Please in seat take and a.

6 call finishing He's just phone a.

7 to nice you meet It's.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 2941 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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