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Теxt 2. The basis for the accounting process

The basis for the accounting process is the accounting equation. It shows the relationship (соотношение) among the firm's assets, liabil­ities, and owner's equity.

Assets are the items of value that a firm owns — cash, inven­tories, land, equipment, buildings, patents, and the like.

Liabilities are the firm's debts and obligations—what it owes to others.

Owner's equity is the difference between a firm's assets and its liabilities — what would be left over for the firm's owners if its assets were used to pay off its liabilities.

The relationship among these three terms is the following:

Owners' equity = assets - liabilities

(The owners' equity is equal to the assets minus the liabilities)

For a sole proprietorship or partnership, the owners' equity is shown as the difference between assets and liabilities. In a part­nership, each partner's share of the ownership is reported sepa­rately by each owner's name. For a corporation, the owners' eq­uity is usually referred to (называется) as stockholders' equity or sharehold­ers' equity. It is shown as the total value of its stock, plus retained earnings that have accumulated to date (накапливается к определенному времени)

By moving the above (переставляя вышеуказанные) three terms (понятия) algebraically, we obtain the standard form of the accounting equation:

Assets = liabilities + owners' equity

(The assets are equal to the liabilities/? the owners' equity)


accounting equation – бухгалтерская сбалансированность (дебет и кредит)

assets - активы

items of value- материальные ценности

owner – владелец, собственник

debt – долг

obligations – обязанность, обязательство

owner's equity – собственный (уставной) акционерный капитал

to pay off - расплачиваться с

sole proprietorship – частное предприятие

partnership - товарищество

stockholders' equity – доля акционера

retained earnings – нераспределенная прибыль

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст 2 и выучите новую лексику.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1360 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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