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Text 4. Cultivators

The heaviest cultivators are used for breaking up ground, prior to ploughing. They consist of two rows of tines mounted on a strong frame and are known as rigid tine cultivators.

Each tine consists of a vertical leg, which is; carved at the bottom and to which is fitted a point or share.

Penetration is due to the weight of the frame, and partly to the pitch of the share, and often extra weights are added for very severe conditions. They require the largest tractors to pull them and can penetrate up to 24 in. When cultivating to this depth, it is possible to cause damage to the equipment through striking stones or tree roots.

Some cultivator tines are held in place by coil springs, and are able to pivot backwards against the springs on meeting an obstruction, and are returned by the springs to their normal position.

This is called a spring - loaded tine cultivator. The lighter cultivators often have spring tines. Many are available as part of toolbar equipment, and can be spaced to cultivate between rows of crops.

Various types of share are available, some of which are double-ended so that they can be reversed as one end wears out.

Strong narrow shares are used for deep cultivation, and broad shares for shallow work, or where land is weedy.

rigid tine cultivator - фрезерный культиватор с жесткими ножами.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 230 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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