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WB Exercise 10. Analyze and present the use of the Advanced Satellite-based Farming Systems (AFS) designed by Case International specialists (see Figure 10)

Analyze and present the use of the Advanced Satellite-based Farming Systems (AFS) designed by Case International specialists (see Figure 10).

Foot-Notes are provided below to facilitate your work. You may want to consult Exercise 8 (Unit 2) and Exercise 8 (Unit 3) for the Report Scheme and the Presentation Out-Line, as well as introductory combinations from Exercise 6 (Unit 2), Exercise 5 (Unit 4), Exercise 4 (Unit 5), Exercise 4 (Unit 6), Exercise 4 (Unit 8) and Exercises 5 and 6 (Unit 10). Also, employ any related additional information which would make your report more reasonable and assignment-adequate.

In course of your presentation, characterize the possible interactions and the field information transmission links of the specified ASF elements.

With your colleagues, suggest and discuss the sound advantages and the perspectives of ASF utilization in Russia.

Advanced Farming Systems: Foot-Notes

1. AFS will record instantly any change in crop yield as you are harvesting.

2. AFS will give you exact correlation between the soil sample and grid reference.

3. AFS will supply highly accurate information for the efficient use of fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides.

4. AFS will supply the precise data required to determine the best time when to sow and when to spray.

5. By using the AFS data recorded and the Global Positioning System (GPS) you can determine your exact location in the field even on foot.

Auxiliary Reading Texts

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 212 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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