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Fill the gaps in these sentences with the correct noun, verb or adjective

1. You will need to put the meat in the ………………… for half an hour at 200 degrees centigrade, then reduce the temperature to 180 for the rest of the cooking time.

2. When people go out for a meal in Britain, they often have three …………………: a …………………, a …………………, and a dessert.

3. If you are cooking steak, you need to turn up the ………………… so that your pan is really hot before you put the meat in.

4. When I pay for my meal, I usually leave 10% for the waiter if ………………… is not included.

5. There are basically four ways of cooking steak: …………………, medium-…………………, medium or well-done. I like my steak medium.

6. The trouble with fattening food is that it makes you ………………… weight if you’re not very careful.

7. Have you asked the waiter for the ………………… and the wine list?

8. I’m not very keen on curry: it’s too hot and ………………… for me.

9. The chicken is cooked in a white wine and cream ………………….

10. It’s a very simple restaurant but the food is delicious and everything is …………………-made.

7. Answer the following questions:

1. How many meals a day do you usually have?

2. At what time do you have your breakfast?

3. Do you have lunch at home?

4. What do you have for dinner?

5. What do you use for cutting meat?

6. What to you eat fish with?

7. Do you prefer tea or coffee after dinner?

8. Do you have black coffee or do you take milk or cream with it?

9. Do you usually have your tea strong or weak?

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Напишіть 15 речень про вашу улюблену їжу. Напишіть рецепт вашої улюбленої страви.

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