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Usually I have my dinner at home. It is my most substantial meal of the day. I come home at four o'clock and say to my mother: “Ma, is our dinner ready? I am ever so hungry”-“Yes, it is. Go and wash your hands,” she answers.
My mother is not a young woman, but she does the cooking herself. While I wash my hands, my mother lays the table for dinner. She lays a white table-cloth upon the table, then puts plates, spoons, knives and forks on it. In the middle of the table she puts a dish with white and brown bread, a cruet-stand with a salt-cellar and pepper- and mustard-pots?
I sit down at the table and begin with some kind of appetizer. If there is none, I take a piece of bread, sprinkle it with salt, smear it with mustard and eat it. Then my mother hands me a plate of soup. Usually it is cabbage soup, which I like very much. I take a spoon and begin to eat my soup with a good appetite. Yet I seldom take a second helping of soup.
For our second course we have either fish, or cutlets, or meat cakes, or a chop with potatoes or some other kind of vegetables.
For the third course we have either stewed fruit, or a pudding, or some kind of pie.
On Sundays and particularly on holidays our dinners are somewhat different. We sometimes have salmon, sturgeon or caviar for our hors-d'oeuvre. As to the soups, they are the same, either a clear chicken soup with small meat pies or cabbage soup.
For the second course we may have a goose or a turkey. For dessert we often have ice-cream, pineapple or some coffee with apple pie.
3. Match the words on the left with the examples/definitions on the right.
1. bitter 2. sour 3. hot, spicy 4. sweet 5. bland 6. salty 7. sugary 8. savory 9. tasty 10. tasteless | a. a lot of sugar b. no flavor at all c. pleasant, slightly salty or with herbs d. has a good taste/flavor e. e.g. fruit which is not ripe f. like a beautiful, ripe strawberry g. sharp/unpleasant h. e.g. a strong Indian curry i. a lot of salt j. rather negative, very little flavor |
Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1230 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!