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Speech Practice. Speak about Cand. Sc. (doctoral) programs at NSTU putting special emphasis on the historical background

Speak about Cand. Sc. (doctoral) programs at NSTU putting special emphasis on the historical background, programs structure and graduate requirements.


In the early nineties, NSTU was among the first Russian institutions of higher learning to introduce the multi-level system of education. The advantages of the system are obvious. It makes the education more flexible and provides students with an opportunity to set and achieve the goal and define the nature of their education at its various stages. Besides, transition to the multi-level system of education facilitates the integration of Russian higher school into the world system of education.

In accordance with the state educational standard adopted in Russia, there are two ways of earning an advanced degree from a technological university. The first one is traditional for our higher education assuming that training a specialist (an engineer) is provided by an educational institution during the 5 or 5.5 year period. The engineer's degree corresponds to the third level of higher education. The second way completely reflects the nature of multi-level system of education. A student aiming to earn a Bachelor's degree in a field chosen studies during four years and on the completion of the coursework is awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in the corresponding field (second level). After two years of study in the Bachelor's program students have a right to receive a certificate of incomplete higher education (first level).

Bachelor's degree holders have a choice either to start practical work or participate in a competition for receiving third-level higher education according to the Master's or professionally qualified specialists training programs.

Master's programs last two years. It is, to a very high degree, an individually tailored and research-oriented program. Those interested in solving engineering problems choose professionally qualified specialists program.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 226 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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